Sunday, May 4, 2008

So it is official....the current streak is at 6 years today with 2,192 consecutive days run....the four major streaks below:

September 5th, 1982 - February 28th, 1984.
542 days
4,297.0 miles.
7.92 Average.

August 3rd, 1990 - March 27th, 1993.
968 days
8,345.8 miles.
8.62 Average.

April 3rd, 1993 - November 21, 2001.
3,155 days
27,221.8 miles.
8.62 Average.

May 5th, 2002 - May 4th, 2008.
2,192 days
21,520.4 miles.
9.81 Average.

The run today was 10 miles in 1:22:29.....8:14 pace.


go annie said...

Congratulations tww!! You've set the bar high. I admire your tenacity and perseverance.

GB said...

SIX years! Oh my goodness, T. You're amazing!!!

sunishining said...

You are the man, Tww. For sure.
She kneels...with complete respect.