Sunday, December 28, 2008

Well yesterday I went over the 4,000 mile mark for the second year in a row.......there are times that even I am stunned at the mileage I have run and I am not boasting because what it means for me is that I have been blessed and lucky to be able to run as I have run for almost 3 decades and at age 48 I should not have put in PR mileage years from 2004 through 2007....who would have thought that 4,010.0 miles in 2008 and what will be about 4,040.0 in 3 days would still stand as only my second best year....well in 2009 as stated before I am going back down to my "standard" 3,000 mile year...actually the plan is to average 9 miles a day for the year or 3,300 miles.....why 9 a day?......because it is an easily managed amount of mileage for will give me what I fix......and for the last several years that has meant close to 10 a day.....but 9 will will also mean I cut out most of my week day doubles....all this allows my legs to freshen up......and in so doing may even regain some lost speed and turn in some marathons in the next few years that are a bit faster.....I do not expect to sub3 again......that train left the station oh about 5 or so years ago.....but I may just work my way back to a 3:10......maybe not at Surf City in a month...still too soon to get the legs I want for the left calf strain kind of set me back a bit.....I may not be as ready for that 26.2 as I would like to be and it may just end up being a glorified and expensive training run.......then again the last few days the healing seems to have accelerated......but I may go into this next marathon with only that 20.5 miler from 3 weeks ago......that would mean a single 20 mile LR just 8 weeks out.....not exactly ideal.......we will see....also speed work is something I have to be careful of....heck...there is none right now due to the calf....still 5 weeks to go so a long more thing....I need to send off the check for the streak people....20 bucks to be on that list but they better update my yearly mileage correctly.....I may not have the longest current streak at almost 7 years..........but I know I am among the top 3 or 4 as far as mileage for 2008 on the streak list...........petty I know but my 20 bucks should get me something...right?....and I sent them the form for the 2007 mileage last year and they left my 4,184.2 miles for 2007 off that one.....would have been top three I am all areas........OCD my brother........gotta love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your second 4k, amazing accomplishment. Even more amazing, how you were able to stay pretty consistent on your paces and mileage, a tough task without having the body break down to stop running completely. You are blessed.

Best of luck on your marathon in Feb.