Monday, July 7, 2008

6:44am.....9.1 miles in 1:16:34....8:24 pace.

Noon......2 miles in 13:00.........6:30 pace.


A nice and cool 88 degrees for the nooner.

11.1 miles for the day.

MTD= 83.2

YTD= 2,111.8

LTD= 70,452.4

So there it is....the day........not so bad today as far as compared to the weekend......runs in 99....97 and 94 degrees.....a couple of 10s and a 9....not to mention the second runs.......whoops.....looks like I did mention them.......the Dodgers had a perfect game through 7 innings but it all just went down the matter....we just want the victory and to take our rightful place tied for 1st in the NL west division lead......and before long we will slap those upstart D-Backs back into place.
And you thought all I did was run.....quite the contrary.......I sing.....I dance....and from time to time I sling some good BS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well keep singin and dancin, cause it ain't gonna happen......

Maybe your Dodgers and my D'Backs might be tied right now, but not gonna last long....

Yes, I believe we've been ahead all this time, we're just having a little setback, you know like a breather.....

At least we DO have SOME competition going on in the NL West, even if we are baddddd.....;)